We can't believe it has already been 5 years since we started Big Gifts! And, thanks to our amazing supporters, we have raised over $150,000 to go towards Pediatric Heart Transplant research with our goal of one day making "one transplant for life". Check out the projects we have already supported!
Our summer run has always been our biggest event, with a silent auction, food trucks, bouncy castles and a day of fun at Rundle Park. But due to Covid, we have had to turn the event in to a virtual run again. The silver lining out of this is that people across Canada are now able to participate and donate, namely our transplant warriors that are from all over the country!
This run is not competitive. For the virtual event, you don't even have to run. You can walk, bike, run, skip, hop.... it really doesn't matter. What matters is that we spread awareness about organ donation and that we continue to raise money for an extremely niche area of expertise and help fund research. Because without research, transplant will never become a cure. And our kids deserve that. Because it is our 5th anniversary as an organization, our goal is to raise $50,000! Every donation over $25 will receive a tax receipt from the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation. The event will run from May 23-May 29 where we hope to create lots of social media presence and give away some prizes!
Only 150 adults and 50 youth will be able to join. If we have overwhelming numbers and need to raise that cap, we definitely will do so! Registration opens Monday, March 13 and will close Sunday, May 9th (although we recommend you register before May 1 so we can mail your swag bag on time!) All swag bags will be mailed to the nearest Running Room to you!
We would like to thank our amazing sponsors for helping us cover costs and make them as affordable as possible:
~Heritage Law Offices (title sponsor)
-The Running Room
-Ernie's Sports Experts
-Pelican Decks
-Butterwick Construction
-Candle Company Antiques
-Leah Jussila
-Austin Post