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Optimizing varicella immunization in children living with transplants to prevent disease and improve long-term health.
Dr. Karina Top, Dr. Catherine Burton, Dr. Manish Sadarangani
LEUKOTRIENE B4: A potential mediator and biomarker for Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy.​
(Donation made to Enduring Hearts from Big Gifts to fund this study)
Dr. Kiran Khush
The MedBIKE™: Evaluating a Novel Telemedicine and Video Game-Linked Exercise Platform for Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients ​
(This study is also supported by the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP))
Dr. Michael Khoury, Dr. Jennifer Conway, Dr. Simon Urschel, Dr. Lori West
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