Christian was born a completely healthy boy, weighing
in at 7lb 5oz. When he was 4 months old, he contracted atypical Kawasaki Disease (atypical meaning that he didn’t display many of the symptoms of Kawasaki Disease). This disease ravaged his arteries, causing multiple gigantic aneurysms, blood clots, a brachial embolism that compromised the circulation to his right hand, and then a heart attack – all in 2 short weeks.
A month after diagnosis, Christian’s fingertips on his right hand were amputated. There were complications after this surgery that led to further investigations of his heart, which was discovered to have severely decreased function (worse than what was originally thought). It was recommended that Christian be assessed for transplant and was officially listed a week and a half later.
After a 4 month wait, Christian received his gift of life and spent 3 weeks recovering in the hospital before coming home.
He is now about to celebrate his 5th transplant anniversary and 6th birthday, all thanks to our donor family and the amazing team at the Stollery. He's been able to do things we never dreamt possible and live a normal life and do all the things a kid should do: run around, go to the zoo, kdays, swimming, skiing…just be a boy!
Please consider supporting Big Gifts for Little Lives and help fund research to make transplant for kids like Christian a cure.